
Which aphorism from the novel have you chosen


Each of us has Heaven and Hell in him, Basil."-Dorian Gray

A. Which aphorism from the novel have you chosen?

B. What is the context of this quote? Who says it, and in response to what situation? (three to four sentences)

C. paragraph in which you explain what you think the quote means in the context of The Picture of Dorian Gray.

D. Based on The Picture of Dorian Gray, do you think Oscar Wilde would agree or disagree with the quote? Why or why not? (two to three sentences)

E. List three pieces of evidence to support your answer to #4. These do not have to be quotes.

F. How might someone object to your argument? How might you defend it? (three to four sentences)

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English: Which aphorism from the novel have you chosen
Reference No:- TGS03315187

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