1. In the Wien bridge oscillator with R1 = R2 = R and C1 = C2 = C, a ratio of R3 to R4 will provide sufficient loop gain for the circuit to oscillate.

2. Which among the below mentioned oscillators does not adopt any kind of feedback mechanism?
- Phase-shift oscillator
- Wein bridge oscillator
- UJT relaxation oscillator
- Voltage controlled oscillator
- UJT relaxation oscillator
3. If A+1=1 and A.1=A, then the value of (A+B)(A+C) is equal to
4. If V(Ref)=1.25 V, R1=3 Kilo-ohm, R2= 1 Kilo-ohm and unregulated input voltage=20 V, then the duty cycle of the phase of the base of the transistor used in a switching regulator circuit is
5. A communication channel of bandwidth 75 kHz is required to transmit binary data at a rate of 0.1 Mb/s using raised-cosine pulses.
The roll-ff factor is
6. An op-amp has a common mode gain of 0.01 and a differential mode gain of 100.Its CMRR in db would be