The most critical change is the combining of vital agencies with the purpose of allowing congruent exchange if information necessary to understand the threats posed by international and domestic terrorism and to form one department focused on the various points of entry and formulate responses to incidences of national terrorism". We have focused so much on al Qaeda and national terrorism in the last 16 years since the attack of 9/11. As we have all seen, there have been far more domestic attacks on our country from those that are already here and even residents of the United States. "The growth of our expectations of domestic security, and the RISK ASSESSMENT evolution of threats away from traditional state actors toward non-state entities - drug cartels, organized crime, and terrorism are prominent examples" of what I believe we as a nation should be more focused on today through DHS (Stone, 2012, para. 2). As we should remain vigilant on national terrorism, do you feel we should also focus more on our domestic terrorism here in the states?