
Whether positive-negative feedback mechanism is involved

Problem: After your design is approved, you will need to carefully describe and diagram your procedures and the types of data you plan to collect. Include the initial conditions, such as the source of your subjects, their activity level or location, and the temperature or amount of light or air present. Also include the final conditions of the subjects. Refine and repeat your experiment if your initial data do not provide evidence that your plants or animals responded to a stimulus. Determine whether a positive or negative feedback mechanism is involved. Submit a report to your teacher that includes the following:

Your final investigation designs, including:

  • A list of materials you used during the investigation
  • A list of all the variables: independent variables, dependent variables, constants, and controls
  • A step-by-step procedure that includes at least three replications of each treatment
  • The data you collected, organized into tables and/or charts
  • The conclusions you were able to draw from your investigation

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Other Subject: Whether positive-negative feedback mechanism is involved
Reference No:- TGS03280958

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