Jeff winger owns an animal business in Manchester area. Jeff has been previously insured with company X and in 2008 he made a claim under insurance contract when his shelter was damaged by his animals. In early 2012 Jeff sought insurance from company Z. Z Company asked Jeff if he had made any insurance claims under any other insurance contract Jeff stated he had not made any claims. Z Company provided Jeff with the insurance for the animal shelter. It is a strict condition of the contract that animals shall be caged securely at all times. One night Jeff fails to lock the cages. Some animals escaped and damaged the shelter. Jeff seeks to make a claim under the insurance contract with Z Company. Advise Z Company as to whether:
A. Jeff has breached his duty of disclosure. When asked about the details before signing up for new insurance.
B. Whether Jeff has breached the terms of the insurance.
C. Does the clause or condition effects the outcome of the decision by 360 degree?