Question: Guidelines in developing a Group Proposal.
Topic of the group proposal: prevention suicide in teenangers, 16-18 age. Latino/ female/spanish.
Whatever information you found the most, choose one, but it has to be prevention suicide in teenagers around 16-18.
Totally of pages: 7 pages the whole paper.
Introduction part: 2-3 PAGES
- Why is there a need for such a group?
- What type of group are you forming?
- For whom is the group intended? Identify the specific population. What do you know about the needs for this population?
- Most importantly your rationale for this group needs or be clear and convincing, remember you might have to convince and audience about why there is a need for your group.
- State your goals or what you expect to achieve?
NOTE: You have to include 5 peer review articles from Albizu library for your introduction, to sustain your point and convince your audience. Put facts, statistics whatever your found about the topic.
1. Use the following resources:
How to acces the virtual library:
Step 1. Go to Once you are on the university page, click on SunPortal at the top right hand side.
Step 2. On the sun portal login page do the following:
Username: schavez564
Password: sabrina1998
Step 3. Click on Virtual Library
-Cau online library cobimet (peer reviewed/ full text articles)
-Nothing older than 8 years
Objectives: - How many members in your group? Is there a specific group?
- Are you planning to conduct any pre-group interviewing or pre-screening candidates?
- Where will the group meet and how long will the session be?
- Will it be an open or close group? Would there be any group pre-selection or pre-screening?
- What topics will be explored in this group?
Final Part:-This part should include how you see your initial goals achieved, or what you expect your group members to accomplish after attending your group.
- If you are administering a pre-screening tool what do you expect to see as you complete the group as far as changes in the scores.