1. A village was submerged by liquefaction flow in the earthquake of
A Gobi-Altai, 1957
B Yungay, 1970
C New Madrid, Missouri,1811-12
D Haiyuan, China 1920
E Sagami Bay (Tokyo-Yokohama), 1923
2.Lake-bed muds made the destruction much worse in the earthquake of
A Port Royal, Jamaica, 1692
B New Madrid, Missouri, 1811-12
C Sagami Bay (Tokyo-Yokohama), 1923
D Loma Prieta, 1989
E Mexico City, 1985
3. The three most deadly earthquakes is known history all occurred in
A Europe
B Asia
C Africa
D North America
E South America
4.Many church groups celebrated the destructive earthquake that struck the former pirate haven of
A Yungay, Peru, 1970
B Haiyuan, China, 1920
C Port Royal, 1692
D Sagami Bay (Tokyo-Yokohoma), 1923.