(a) Consider the second order differential equation
where k and m are positive numbers. What condition on k and m leads to critical damping?
Critical damping occurs when the roots of the characteristic equation
are equal; that is, when k2-4m=0.
(b) For the differential equation(d2u/dt2)+4u=17 sin(9t/4); u(0)=0, u'(0)=-4
show that beats occur.
The general solution is
u = c1sin(2t) +c2cos(2t) -16sin(9t/4)
and the initial conditions prescribe 0=c2 and -4=2c1-36 respectively, so that
u = 20sin(2t) -16sin(9t/4) = 4sin(2t)-16[sin(9t/4)-sin(2t)],
or u = 4sin(2t)-32sin(t/4)cos(17t/4)
(since by trig. sina-sinb=2sin(a-b)cos(a+b)) The latter term provides beats at frequency (1/4)l(2π) = 1/(8π).
(c) In the solution of u"-)4te+5u = 20sin(t) with u(0),), u'(0)=0,
what are the steady state and transient terms?
The solution (homogeneous plus particular terms) is u =-2e-2tsin(t) + 2sin(t)
The particular term 2sin(t) is steady state and the homogeneous term -2e-2tsin(t) is the transient term (decays to zero as t→∞).