
Where it is alleged that an employees capacity or

Assessment Task

Performance objective

You must demonstrate the ability to identify organisational requirements and establish standards for producing documents.
Assessment description

For this task you are required to review the scenario provided below, and develop standards and guidelines for producing documents. You will also be required to apply the standards you develop to an existing document.


The Human Resource department of MacVille is responsible for the management of personnel. Two key functions of the department are induction of new staff, and ongoing communication with existing staff, regarding company policies, procedures and expectations.

Currently, the department manages a small number of policy documents which are periodically created as required. They are often poorly formatted. The HR department has a shared network drive for storage of documents; however files are often not named so that they will be easily retrievable in the future.

As MacVille grows, so will the level of documentation required, so it is important that a system be implemented to streamline this process.

As a new member of the team, you have been asked by the HR manager to devise and develop a replacement system to ensure that policy and procedure documents are created according to standard guidelines.


Your assessor will provide you with a text file, `MACVILLE Disciplinary Dismissal Policy', for use in Step 3 of this procedure.

1. Review the scenario provided above.

2. Develop a one-page style guide outlining the standards for designing policy and procedure documents. The style guide should:

a. Ensure format of documents is appropriate to purpose and intended audience for document

b. Displays information in a way that enhances readability

c. Outline how documents should be named and stored

d. Address:

i. Font

ii. Spacing

iii. Bullet and numbering standards

iv. Headings

v. Margins.

3. Use the text file `MACVILLE Disciplinary Dismissal Policy' and format it in MS Word according to the style guide you have established. Submit the reformatted policy as an example to illustrate your style guide.


You must provide:

• A one-page style guide addressing the requirements outlined in the procedure.

• A sample policy formatted according to the style guide.

Your assessor will be looking for:

• A one-page style guide submitted in paper copy.

• A paper-copy of the 'Disciplinary Dismissal Policy' formatted according to the style guide.

Adjustment for distance-based learners:

• No variation of the task is required.

• A follow-up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).

• Documentation can be submitted electronically or posted in the mail.

Macville Disciplinary / Dismissal Policy

Part 1

1. An employee's contract of employment may be terminated by either the employer or the employee giving the notice required by the applicable Award or the Industrial Relations Act 1990.

2. Where the prescribed notice is not given, the employee shall be paid wages in lieu of notice or the employer may withhold wages due to the employee, as the case may be, equivalent to the notice not given or received.

Part 2

1. Notwithstanding Part 1 above, where any employee is guilty of misconduct, the contract of employment may be terminated instantaneously. In. such cases there is no requirement for the giving of notice not payment in lieu of notice.

2. Where it is alleged that an employee is guilty of misconduct, the employee shall be provided with details of the allegation/s and be given a reasonable opportunity to respond to allegations prior to a decision being made to either terminate the employment or to issue a written warning.

Part 3

1. Where it is alleged that an employee's capacity or performance is unsatisfactory, then the following procedure should be followed. The existence of this procedure shall not prevent an employee being dismissed in accordance with Part 2 above.

2. The initial discussion and direction will be provided on an informal basis by the Business manager or other authorized person. The employee shall be advised that such discussion forms part of the process arising out of Clause 3.1.

3. If the problem/s persist the Business manager or other authorized person will discuss with employee:

i. The matter/s of concern;

ii. Actions necessary to resolve the concerns; and

iii. A timetable for improvement to be evidenced.

Input including explanations will be sought from the employee.

4. As a result of this discussion the Business manager or other authorized person will notify the employee in writing regarding those matters in question discussed per clause 3.5 above.

The notice will detail:

i.The matter/s of concern;

ii, Actions necessary to resolve the concerns;

iii. A timetable for improvement to be evidenced.

5. This notice will be signed and confirmed by the employee to record the discussion in (3) above. If there is a disagreement as to the content of the notice the employee shall have the opportunity for their view to be placed on the record.

6. Appropriate monitoring and counseling shall then be provided to the employee by the Business manager or other authorized person.

7. Where the problem/s are not rectified through the use of the above process, the employee's contract of employment may be terminated.

Part 4

1. At any meeting or discussion forming part of the process in Part 2 or 3 the employee may be accompanied by a union representative or other person of the employee's choosing.

Part 5

1. On request a dismissed employee will be provided with a written statement of reasons for dismissal.

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HR Management: Where it is alleged that an employees capacity or
Reference No:- TGS01134564

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