
Where is the teacheris the teacher teaching explain

Tips for getting the most out of this assignment: As you've identified your learning type, watch the video two times. The first time, just watch. The second time utilize your style a. make notes b. look away but listen to the sound c. watch and then visualize what you saw for the answers to the questions below

In your textbook, read chapter 5's explanation of Constructivism.

Now watch as this 7th grade math/science teacher implements a constructivist lesson.

What makes this a constructivist lesson? Consider how the teacher addresses each of these parts:

Prior Knowledge--What do the students already know?

Independent thinking--How does the teacher encourage students to think for themselves?

Student interest--How does the teacher involve the kids in an activity?

Child-centered--How does the teacher allow the students to "lead" the instruction?

Now read The Montessori Method in your text. Maria Montessori developed this method. The text points out that "respect for the child is the cornerstone on which all other Montessori principles rest" perhaps making this approach the most child-centered of all theories.

Before you watch the video, write down 3 ideas that you associate with Montessori programs.

Review the main features and teacher's role associated with this model. Now watch the video and notice what is happening in the classroom.

Where is the teacher?

Is the teacher teaching? Explain briefly.

Are the children learning? Explain briefly.

How are these early childhood professionals using Maslow's hierarchy of needs? Which needs (see figure 5.6 in your text) are being addressed by these attentive teachers?

How are the teachers considering each child's developmental level and addressing their zone of proximal development (ZPD)? How are the using developmentally appropriate practices?

Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)

Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP)

Before watching, consider what your texts says about Psychosocial Development...do we really need our peers to help us learn and make sense of the world? Erikson thinks so. what stage children are in at any particular age and what the teacher should do to take advantage of the learning that can occur in that stage. Give 3 examples of ways this teacher is nurturing these students' psychosocial development.

According to the quiz you completed in this week's materials folder, describe how you learned best? Do you think this is accurate? Why or why not?

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Dissertation: Where is the teacheris the teacher teaching explain
Reference No:- TGS02173658

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