
Where is the greatest amount of ice on earth


Part. 1

Prior to answering the following questions make sure you read the Learning Resources. You are expected to also use outside sources from the course Webliography (under Content), and Internet research. Answer the following questions in APA-style paragraph form and use proper APA citations. Graphics may be used to support your answers, but make sure you cite your source below the graphic.

1) Visit the website for the National Snow and Ice Data Center and then answer the following questions:

a) What is the "cryosphere"? Where is most of the cryosphere? What and where is the greatest amount of ice on Earth?

2) Define and differentiate the following terms and give geologic location examples of each:

• snow

• glacial ice

• alpine glaciers (also called valley glaciers)

• continental ice sheets (also called ice caps)

• icebergs

• polar sea ice

3) How do glaciers form and move? At present, what is the status of most of the world's ice (advancing, retreating, or stable)? Why? What are the global consequences of major ice changes on Earth? Why are glaciers one of the best forms of evidence for climate change? Use some specific examples here.

4) Define and describe the following glacial features. How were each formed by glaciers? Give an example geologic location of each;

• arête

• horn

• cirque

• U-shaped valley (also called glacial trough)

• fjord

5) Discuss the topics of "coastal geology" and "global sea level". What are the major geologic forces that form coastlines? Describe a couple coastal geological features and how they formed. What are the major causes of global sea level change? What is the relationship between sea level and glacial ice - how do they interrelate? Are both related to global climate change? What are the consequences and hazards of rising global sea level?

Part. 2

Prior to answering the following questions make sure you read the Learning Resources. Also, you are expected to research outside sources from the course Webliography (under Content) and the Internet. Answers must be in APA-style paragraph form with proper APA citations. Graphics may be used to support your answers, but make sure you cite your source below the graphic.

1) Sketch or diagram "your interpretation" of the "Hydrologic Cycle". What is the ultimate energy source for the water cycle to function on Earth? Label the major processes of the water cycle concept in the hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and geosphere. Use arrows to show the progression of water (H2O) through the cycle.

2) Define and describe the following geologic surface water terms and make sure you give a geologic location example for each term:

• drainage basin (watershed)

• drainage divide and continental divide

• stream erosion features: water falls, canyon (gorge), and V-shaped valley

• stream deposition features: stream load, alluvial material (alluvium), flood plain, and river delta.

3) Define "groundwater" and discuss its origin and role in the hydrologic cycle. Then define and describe the following groundwater terms:

• porosity vs. permeability

• saturated vs. unsaturated zones (also called zone of saturation and zone of aeration)

• water table

• aquifer (describe one in detail)

4) Visit the Virtual Caves website and then describe the geological formation of caves and caverns, with an example of each of the following cave types:

• solution caves

• sea caves

• erosional caves

• lava tube caves

5) View the video at Karst Topography: A Unique and Fragile Environment then discuss in a few paragraphs karst geology, including the origin of the term "karst", the cave-forming rock types present, and the major karst surface and subsurface features. What is the major geologic hazard associated with karst regions? Choose one karst and/or cavern location in the USA (or other country) and discuss and describe the area, any unique subsurface life, and the human threats to this fragile environment.

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