
Where do you think your team challenges will reside what

Assignment: Green Hornets

Length: 5-6 Pages.

Meet as a team and define your team operating guidelines.

• Where do you think your team challenges will reside?

o Dealing with differing schedules, experience backgrounds, educations, class expectations, understanding of course material, personalities

o Communicating, determining roles, dividing workload, utilizing different methods to ensure that everyone's ideas are heard and the most effective are incorporated

o Communication, participation, collaborative idea exchanges based on prior experience or interpretation of knowledge learned/gained

o Different schedules, Cultural background, Communication, work and academic experience. ( I agree with you guys)

• What are the expectations each of you has for the other team members?

o I expect everyone to participate early and often, as the last few days are best for ironing out any team conflicts, formatting issues, etc. I hope everyone has a positive attitude and respects other teammates' backgrounds, points of view, and inputs. I also expect everyone puts in an equitable contribution with regard to the final product (paper).

o I hope everyone provides their input at will. Our performance as a group will be dependent on everyone sharing their ideas and providing maximum effort. We will have to determine roles and responsibilities, and if you are uncertain or disappointed in where you stand as a part of the team, please speak up. Communication will be challenging, but we should be open with one another or else our efforts may be stifled.

o Early participation. Respectful exchanges of ideas and collaborative methods. Critical thinking of how group ideas will be expressed.

o I will do group work early next time, you guys include everything about building a successful group project.

• Determine how you want to operate as a team.

o I want to operate as a collaborative unit that respects one another's' inputs and experience. By communicating as frequently and openly as possible, we should be able to operate cohesively.

o Agreed, Liam. Communicate as frequently as possible and we will be able to move forward with fewer roadblocks.

o Frequent communication. Set deadlines, including drafts, to allow for all to have input.

o Agreed with you guys, and if we can building a team chapter that may useful.

• What tools or techniques will you use to collaborate and communicate?

o Being a remote online course, I think it would be best to operate through IT tools such as Blackboard, email, etc. Checking the group discussion board at least once daily (a couple times preferred) should help keep everyone on page and keep expectations in sync. I think breaking out the workload by the inputs to the final product should be done at the beginning of the week, so we can each plan how we'd like to accomplish our individual tasks accordingly. After we've each contributed our share, we set a time to go over any issues towards the end of the week. We should use a system that allows for shared inputs, like Google Docs, to prepare a final product.

o Agreed. Google docs and the discussion board for our group should be our main sources of communication. Assigning responsibilities as early as possible should be a priority for our team. Should we have people volunteer for certain aspects of the workload based on their comfortability with the subject and relevant experience?

o Phone GROUP texting for quick statements (i.e. added my stuff, need feedback, haven't received X, etc.). GROUP texting so no one is "out of the loop"

o Group discussion board and email is major communication tools, And group texting or online meeting are also great for group.

• Setup a Team Logo/Identity to create synergy!

o Perhaps we keep it simple and do something related to hornets? Might be easier to come up with a motto/catchphrase than making a logo...

o I'm on board for a logo or motto. Should be something simple, and maybe we should incorporate some sort of lasso like CJ. Can contract it out to a friend who is great at making these types of things. Throw out some ideas here and we can incorporate! Personally I think something of the hive mentality like the state of Utah has done isn't a bad place to start... "The beehive is the state symbol of Utah. The early settlers used the symbol of the honeybee to represent hard work and industriousness"

o I prefer a logo.

o I like green hornets ( I think hornet should yellow, and in my nature language, we call hornets by big yellow bee....)

• Provide a couple of paragraphs providing an overview of the Scope of 2 different projects that you're your teams will be assessing and comparing in Week 6 (one paragraph each)

o This should be pretty straightforward. I used Pharma_PMS, and IT Conversion_PMS for the Week 1 assignment, so I would be better prepared to summarize the scope of either of those, if needed.

o I will get around to this tomorrow. Don't expect it to take too long.

o Since Liam has already said Pharma_PMS and IT Conversion_PMS, I will look these over and add my input.

o I have to read the text book again.

In addition, Choose 2 Project (Case Studies) and provide a high level of analysis for WHY both of these projects are feasible. Your team will use these Case Studies throughout the course.

I imagine we write 1-2 pages for each of these analyses...it seems unrealistic to apply the minimal vague information from the case studies to a full feasibility study template. I've emailed the professor for a bit more context as to how she'd like it structured, so I'll let you all know when I hear back. UPDATE: I asked: "With regard to the Week 2 group assignment, how would you like the feasibility summary for the 2 case studies to be structured? Can we explain why they're feasible in a few paragraphs? Or would you prefer bulleted sections?
She responded: "A few paragraphs works for me! And build upon what we did in week 1...don't reinvent the wheel!"

Sounds good to me. The lack of financial data is a problem, and the lack of specificity in the case studies could be an issue moving forward. Hopefully she provides some clarity.

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HR Management: Where do you think your team challenges will reside what
Reference No:- TGS02518054

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