
Where do you fit on the health continuum right now

Assignment Task: Answer each of the following questions regarding Health Care with explanation. Answers must be a Diary or Journaling type

Q1. What is HEALTH for you?

Q2. Where do you fit on the health continuum right now? Where would you like to be in a week? A month? A year?

Q3. What can you say about the Health Statistics, Indicators and Surveillance of the Philippines?

Q4. Do you have any idea what projects your community is working on? Do you have any participation in those projects? If there is, then how it benefits the whole community?

Q5. When you hear managed care, what comes into your mind? Are you referring to health insurance? When one of your housemates get hospitalized, who pays for the bill?

Q6. So what do you think professionals and policy makers will do to foster comprehensive approaches and coherent action to generate sustainability and health for all?

Q7. What are these events that shaped health promotion?

Q8. One way to compare two similar products is to read the labels. What important information to look at on product labels?

Q9. Looking back at the time you enter school, from nursery to college being and becoming health wise and health conscious individual is part of your learning achievement. Do you agree?

Q10. Why aren't health systems working better?"

Q11. How World Health Organization supported the Philippine response on COVID-19 outbreak?

Q12. What evidences can you share that will indicate how primary health care evolved in the country and how community health programs in the Philippines were shaped by the PHC approach?

Q13. If I may ask you, what is your advocacy in strengthening quality health care system?

Q14. To what model do you think Philippines is transparent?

Q15. How often do we seek help when our health is at stake?

Q16. Do you know who the health workers in the Philippines context are?

Q17. Have you been able to drop by at your nearest drugstore or pharmacy? How the pharmacy unit looks like now? What visible or transparent actions are taking place while on this current pandemic situation?

Q18. Whenever you hear or say health care facility, what comes to your mind? Is that a place where you will be going to whenever you seek some help over your health problem? Is it a hospital, a clinic, a barangay health center or what else?

Q19. Have you ever been into any pharmacy in your community or hospital? How your experience in being or dropping by at the counter made you feel more to come back again? Is the physical structure enough to say that you get the satisfaction and convenience you need?

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Other Subject: Where do you fit on the health continuum right now
Reference No:- TGS03249515

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