
Where do the renal capsule lie

5. Where do the renal capsule lie?
6. Where is the target of aldosterone? What does it do? 
7. What are and where do you find podocytes?
11. Where do you find renal pelvis?
12. Where do you find renal pyramids?
13. What does the urinary bladder do?
14. Whats the function of kidneys?
15. patassium? where is it reabsorbed? is it secreated?
16. Glomerular hydrostatic pressure, how does each one contribute in filtration rate?
17. As ADH production declines what happens?
18. What are filtration and filtration slits? How do they work?
20. How do we get uring from kidney to bladder? What tube passing?
21. which of the following events will increase filtration pressure?
22. Glomerulus?
24. The juxta glomerulus apparatus is composed of?
27. The amount of filtrate in one minute is called?
28. The majority of water in an inefforn is absorbed where?
29.What is the effect of anti diretic hormone on collecting duct?
30. All about urine comming into arenal pyramid? 

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Biology: Where do the renal capsule lie
Reference No:- TGS086938

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