
Where do the major elements of a plays structure begin


A Raisin in the Sun Characters, Foils, Plot Events

This posting addresses these issues:

Where do the major elements of a play's structure begin and end in Hansberry work? For example, what part of the play marks the beginning of the work's climax? (1 Paragraph)

In Acts I and II, how does Bobo serve as a foil to Walter Lee? Among the other supporting characters, what is the role of Joseph Asgasi and George Murchison? What role do they play in Beneatha's life? How does Hansberry use Karl Linder to throw added light on the conditions of American society in the 1950s? Besides taking the lead role in the family, after her husband dies, what does Lenna's (Mama) role symbolize in the play. What role does Ruth project?

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English: Where do the major elements of a plays structure begin
Reference No:- TGS01924153

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