On a working day a laboratory technician discovered yellow-green fumes when he opened a bottle that had been stored inside a storage container.
How would you advise him to handle the emission of these fumes?
You may use the '5W1H' principle:
- What is a possible cause of the yellow fumes (i.e. identify the hazard).
- Where did the emission of yellow-green fumes occur (the location)?
- Who is the person (e.g. a trained personnel) who will handle this emission?
- When did the emission of yellow-fumes take place (e.g. during an experiment; while in storage etc)
- How will the trained person handle this hazard once the source of the fumes is identified (i.e list some risk control measures by referring to a Safety Datasheet once the fumes/chemical spill is identified).
Why did it happen and what needs to be done to prevent future occurrences (e.g. report, investigate, corrective and preventive action).