
Where at is a white noise series with positive-definite

Question: Suppose that zt is a k-dimensional weakly stationary, zero-mean time series following the VARMA(2,q) model


where {at} is a white noise series with positive-definite covariance matrix Σa. Let Γj be the lag-j autocovariance matrix of zt. (a) Consider the VAR(2) fitting

2143_Equation 2.jpg

Show that the ordinary LS estimates of Φi(0) (i=1,2) satisfy the system of equations

(b) Let at(0) be the residual of the fitted VAR(2) model via the ordinary LS method. Discuss The properties of the autocovariance  matrices of at(0) when q = 0 and when q = 1.

(c) Consider the model

2202_Equation 4.jpg

Show that the ordinary LS estimates of Φi(0) satisfy the systems of equations


1562_Equation 5.jpg

(d) Let a(1)t be the residual of the LS fit of the model in part (c).

Discuss the properties of the auto covariance matrices of a(1)t when q = 0, 1, and 2.

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Engineering Mathematics: Where at is a white noise series with positive-definite
Reference No:- TGS02236868

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