Advertising (Include copy of ad (Print, radio or TV)-how does it reflect your message and your target market needs? Discuss ad in the paper. Ads can be in English but tell me which language they would be in.
a) Objectives:
b) Message What is your emphasis in traditional ads?
c) Copy of Advertisement and discussion of the ad
d) Media mix
Where are you placing ads? Which magazines, which TV shows, which time slots, what time of year, etc? Why? Does your advertisement comply with advertising restrictions (especially liquor)?
e) Budget- How many ads do you get for your money?
Be specific: How many ads per week / month? All budget information then needs to be used in the financials.
Internet Advertising/ social networking/ mobile phone ads (if appropriate)
a) Objectives – Is this appropriate for your target market?
b) Message What is your emphasis in digital media?
c) Copy of & discussion of web page/social network page/mobile ad/internet advertising.
d) Copy of Web page. Copy of Social Media page. Copy of mobile ad. Copy of internet ad.
e) How are you using web page, internet ads, social media and mobile phone ads? Budget- How many ads do you get for your money?
Sales promotions (Include copy of promotions)
a) Objectives
b) Message What is your emphasis?
c) Copy of the Coupons/Premiums/demonstrations/etc. If you use coupons- you must justify their use in this country. Most countries do not use coupons-retail stores do not accept them.
d) Budget- How many promotions do you get for your money?