Question 1: Identify the path through which sympathetic motor output reaches vascular smooth muscle (throughout the body):
(a) spinal nerve pairs,
(b) paravertebral ganglia, or
(c) spinal nerves via the paravertebral ganglion chains.
Question 2: Where are motor neuron cell bodies found?
(a) orange highlight,
(b) yellow highlight, or
(c) non-highlighted gray matter.
Question 3: Would the orange-highlighted nuclei be found upwards into the cervical cord and downwards into the pelvic cord?
(a) yes, or (b) no.
Question 4: Motor neurons throughout the cord receive negative feedback from Golgi tendon organs via glycinergic neurons. Where are such neurons in the drawing above?
(a) orange highlight,
(b) yellow highlight, or
(c) non-highlighted gray matter.
Question 5: Recall that the spinal nerve pair in the drawing above is associated with the thoracolumbar cord. Are Clarke's columns (or nuclei) found within the thoracolumbar cord?
(a) yes, or (b) no.
Could anyone help me please?