
When you listen to the stories your parents tell from back

Generational Changes in Technology Use

When you listen to the stories your parents tell from back in the day, is it sometimes hard to comprehend the different times they lived in? For instance, have you heard stories about a time when pay phones where the only means of calling someone when you were outside of the house or office? think about those stories and try to imagine what life was like before the technological advances of today reshaped the way we take care of the business of running a family.

Discussion Topic

Describe two ways that conducting a family's routine activities is different for you than it was for your parents' generation because of the use of technology. Compare the way your parents did the same activity to the way you do it today. What changes related to technological advances do you predict in these two areas of family routine for the next generation?

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Business Economics: When you listen to the stories your parents tell from back
Reference No:- TGS02748435

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