XXX dashed after him, and caught up with him in the last room. She seized him by his clothes to hold him back, but only tore the back of his shirt. YYY escaped from that heartbroken woman with his shirt torn.
When XXX realized what a blunder she had made, she tore her own clothes and threw herself to the ground; there she lay, helplessly uttering anguished cries, bewailing her misfortune. Her heart's desire had forsaken her; the quarry had escaped the net; the honey had been snatched from her lips."
Find the work from which the quote comes, and the work's author, and estimated date it was written. If suitable, identify the speaker or character. Describe the significance of the quote (ie. its message, symbols and/or role in the overall narrative plot) and how it relates to the literary work (or that genre of literary works) as a whole.