
When we knowingly do wrong we will suffer irreversible


We have to be careful who we follow in life, or we will suffer repercussions. To show this, "Jack and Jill" will be examined.

Jill is following Jack to fetch a pail of water. before Jill follows Jack, she should have asked him where they were going to fetch a pail of water and prepared for unnecessary risks to happen just in case. Although, Jack and Jill I assume were in a rush to get water which they need to survive they suffered the consequences for not preparing for the worst-case scenario. since Jill should have known or at least prepared for the unexpected just in case to occur before following someone. As a result Jill ended up tumbling down the hill after Jack and The Old dame Dob had to give first aid to them.

Jill decided to follow someone in life and didn't expect or plan ahead for unexpected consequences. if you follow someone in life

Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbling after. (example).
Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
and Jill came tumbling after.
Up Jack got, and home did trot,
As fast as he could caper,
To old Dame Dob, who patched his nob
With vinegar and brown paper

Need help with proofreading this nursery rhyme diagnostic essay. the example and outline are below.

a) Introduction - (claim and transition to the body - grounds)
b) Grounds - examples followed by an explanation that develops some aspect of the claim and transitions to the conclusion/warrant
c) Conclusion/Warrant

When we knowingly do wrong, we will suffer irreversible consequences. To show this, "HD" will be examined.

HD knows he is an egg. Being an egg, HD should know that he should not take unnecessary risks. However, he ignores this and sits on a wall. HD is choosing to live dangerously. As a result, he falls, and all the powers in the land cannot restore him.

HD, like many of us, chooses to live dangerously. We will eventually suffer the same fate as HD.

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Other Subject: When we knowingly do wrong we will suffer irreversible
Reference No:- TGS03329649

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