
When was the modem state of ukraine established and how




For this exercise, you will travel (virtually) to the Black Sea region of Eurasia to learn more about recent events in the independent state of Ukraine and in the region known as Crimea. This region along the traditional boundary of Europe and Asia has a complex history and ethnic diversity. Today, it is an emerging "fault line" of increasing rivalry and conflict between major Told powers including the Russian Federation, the European Union, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), and the United States. Ukraine and the Crimea are also a dramatic example in geography of the intersection between history, territory, and identity and the potential instability of modem countries made up of diverse-and sometimes contentious-ethnicities, nations, and other interest groups.

Learn about this part of the world and seek to understand one of the most brutal conflicts today. Since you may use the Web as a research tool, be aware of different agendas and allegiances (such as pro-Russian, pro-European Union, pro-USA) that individuals and organizations may have when you consider their information. Ukraine is clearly caught between competing powers. Use multiple sources to check the veracity of information and be critical. Mainstream US and Western European media have presented this conflict as an example of Russian aggression, recreating the Cold War, which was a good time for our military industrial complex and for certain politicians who wish to extend US military power across the globe. Vladimir Putin is a ridiculous megalomaniac, but there are other valid perspectives, too. The US and its allies orchestrated regime change in Ukraine to replace a democratically elected government with one that is more open to Western exploitation-for example, it is estimated that Ukraine has the 3`a largest shale gas proved reserve in Europe. In the process, dangerous fascist and ultra-nationalist elements have been empowered in Kiev, unleashing violence against minorities and progressive movements. It is reasonable to wonder why the US is involved in a conflict on the borders of the Russian Federation. If it is about "freedom," then why did the US overthrow a freely elected government? Who benefits from this ongoing conflict?


Prepare a paper that addresses the issues below. Be sure to cite your sources in the text and provide a proper list of all sources at the end of the document.

1. Begin your paper by briefly describing the physical geography (location and physical characteristics) of Ukraine and the Crimea.

2. Describe the linguistic and ethnic characteristics and briefly outline the history of this diversity.

3. When was the modem state of Ukraine established and how?

4. What role did the linguistic and ethnic diversity of the region play in the events that began March 2014?

5. What do you think about the recent events M this region? In your opinion, who has the "right" to control the Crimea and eastern Ukraine? Why?

6. Discuss your impressions of these perspectives on the violence in Ukraine: https://www.counternunch.oru/2014/03/05Athronolo.,,the-ukrainian-coun and https://www.rt.com/news/233439-us-meddling-ukraine-crisist.

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Dissertation: When was the modem state of ukraine established and how
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