
When was the last time you heard a baby cry what causes did

Psychodynamic Theories in Social Work Practice

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When was the last time you heard a baby cry? What causes did you attribute to the baby's behavior? Was it time for a feeding or a diaper change?

Maybe the baby just desired some human contact. No matter the cause, you likely recognized the baby's attempt to communicate a basic human need. As that baby matures, strategies for communicating these needs will evolve, based on past experiences.

If those experiences are negative, the individual will adapt, causing a change in how he or she relates to others and attempts to fulfill these basic needs in the future. However, those behavioral changes might not work to fulfill the complex needs that occur later in life.

What effect might these behavioral changes have on future relationships and the individual's ability to attain basic human needs in adulthood?

Psychodynamic theory encompasses several theories that focus on how individuals behave as a result of internal developmental and external social conflicts. Those conflicts arise as a result of attempting to balance the needs, drives, and emotions that motivate human behavior.

How might understanding adaptations in behavior, as well as the internal and external forces contributing to your clients' concerns and their behavior, assist you in working with your clients? How might these psychodynamic theories be consistent with social work ethics and values in practice?

For this Discussion, review this week's resources. Think about how experiences in infancy might affect future relationships and social/emotional functioning, as described by the psychodynamic theories discussed. Then, consider whether you find these theories consistent with social work ethics and values.

1. Work #1 separate file or work needs separate references
(Title of work #1) Psychodynamic Theories in Social Work Practice

Answer in a APA format (at least 1 whole page of written answer and a second page for references) an explanation of how experiences in infancy might affect future relationships and social/emotional functioning as described by psychodynamic theories. Then, explain whether you find these theories consistent with social work ethics and values, why or why not.

Theories of Intelligence, Moral Development, and the Strengths Perspective

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Your ability to process information and apply it in other contexts represents one aspect of cognitive development. Theories of intelligence focus on the development of an individual's ability to engage in abstract mental processes for the purposes of making sense of the environment (problem solving).

Intelligence also involves psychological and moral development, in addition to physical maturation. Part of making sense of the environment and responding to it relates to an understanding of societal norms. Moral development represents an individual's understanding of acceptable social human behavior.

How might intelligence and moral development be related? As a social worker in support of the strengths perspective, understanding the development of your clients' intelligence and morality can help to identify their strengths in order to encourage empowering behaviors.

For this Discussion, review this week's resources. Select a theory of intelligence. Then, consider how intelligence might relate to moral development, referencing the theories from the readings. Finally, think about how you might view the theory you selected from a strengths perspective and what the potential implications of this theory might be for social workers who need to assess the intelligence of clients.

2. Work #2 Separate file or work needs separate references
(title 0f work #2 Theories of Intelligence, Moral Development, and the Strengths Perspective

Answer in APA format (at least one whole page of written answer and a second page for references) an explanation of how you think intelligence relates to moral development, referencing theories from this week's resources.

Then describe the theory of intelligence you selected and explain how you might view it using a strengths perspective. Finally, explain the potential implications of this theory for social workers who need to assess the intelligence of clients.

Support your posts and responses with specific references to this week's resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

Assignment: Journal Review - LGBT Populations

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While sexual identity is a very personal aspect of an individual's life, it also includes social and public aspects as well. It is social in that you generally include your significant other as a participant in social circles with your family, friends, and colleagues.

Sexual identity is public in that, during the course of day-to-day life, you present yourself and your significant other to society as a couple or as part of a family unit. These social and public aspects make sexual identity development a unique process for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) individuals. This process is captured in life-span development as the six stages of coming out.

In terms of cognitive, life-span, and moral development, how might theories of development explain the experiences of individuals who might not identify with their social environment in terms of sexuality? As a social worker, how might a better understanding of the developmental experiences of LGBT individuals allow you to help them develop or maintain a strong and positive sense of self?

For this assignment, search the Walden Library for an article(s) that addresses theories related to cognitive, lifespan, and moral development for one of the following populations:

• Lesbian

• Gay

• Bisexual

• Transgender

Then think about the potential external and internal developmental or moral struggles facing the population you selected. Finally, reflect on how your thoughts, biases, and/or experiences might influence your reactions to the article(s) you selected.

3. Work # 3 Separate file or work needs separate references

(Title of work #3) Journal Review - LGBT Populations

Assignment (4- to 6-page APA-formatted paper):

Your paper should include:

• An explanation of the population you selected

• An analysis of the article in terms of theories related to cognitive, lifespan, and moral development for that population.

• An explanation of the developmental or moral challenges facing that population

• An explanation of how your own thoughts, biases, and/or experiences influence your reaction to the article and population-based research.

Support your Assignment with specific references to this week's resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

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