
When was the jewish community formally united

Assignment task: According to this text: "Spiritual ties also connect Jews, Christians, and Muslims to the city of Jerusalem. For people of all three faiths, Jerusalem is a holy city. Jerusalem's Temple Mount, for example, is the holiest Jewish religious site. Two ancient temples stood on this site. Many important Jewish religious traditions are associated with these temples, which were destroyed by warfare. Jews believe that a third temple will be built on the site when the Messiah - the promised deliverer of Jews - arrives on Earth. The Temple Mount is also important to Christians because New Testament stories describe the association of Jesus with the Jewish temple that was located there. And the site is sacred to Muslims, who call it "Noble Sanctuary." Long after the Jewish temples had been destroyed, two Muslim religious shrines, the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, were built there." When was the Jewish community formally united into the sovereign country of Israel? What might others think this served to do for many Jewish people? Who would have (and still do) objected to the formation of Israel?


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History: When was the jewish community formally united
Reference No:- TGS03420339

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