1. You've chosen Louis Pasteur as a subject for an essay on the germ theory of disease, but you haven't narrowed your topic yet. To search for sources in the library's catalog search page, you should begin with a/an _______ search.
A. author
B. call number
C. keyword
D. title
2. Which one of the following statements about databases is true?
A. The number of sources indexed in the database may change.
B. A list of the most commonly accessed specialized and generalized databases can be found in a server known as Usenet.
C. In order to access a database, you'll need a moderator's permission.
D. Specialized databases always charge for access
3. If you've decided to conduct a survey as part of your research, it's important to decide on a sample that is
A. nonspecific.
B. atypical.
C. generic.
D. representative
4. As she begins researching her project, Roberta should turn to a/an _______ for assistance in finding reference resources or basic books and articles that provide background information on her topic.
A. reference librarian
B. expert in the field she plans to interview
C. online newsgroup
D. general reference site
5. Which of the following search engines aggregates news sites and offers subject directories for browsing?
A. Google
B. Bing
C. Ask
D. Yahoo
6. If you subscribe to an email discussion forum to discuss topics with others, you've most likely joined
A. a listserv.
B. a chat room.
C. a newsgroup.
D. Usenet.
6. After completing his research, George should synthesize the information he's found by organizing the source material according to
A. categories that answer his research questions in various ways
B. date of publication.
C. level of expertise of source authors.
D. reliability of the source material.
7. When paraphrasing, it's
A. essential to replace every word used by the original source author.
B. a good practice to write your paraphrase first and then read the original for comparison.
C. occasionally acceptable to use some common terms found in the original source.
D. perfectly acceptable to duplicate the original source author's sentence patterns and structures without citation.
8. EBSCO and LexisNexis are two common
A. reference managers.
B. database vendors.
C. library catalog services.
D. citation managers.
9. Read the following sentence and choose the paraphrase that does not contain plagiarism.
Even though her work was, for the most part, systematically ignored by art historians, Artemisia Gentileschi would go on to produce a body of work sufficient for revisionists to designate her as the first woman to have had a significant impact on Western art.
A. Although she was "systematically ignored by art historians," modern critics acknowledge the contribution Artemisia Gentileschi made as a female artist in a man's world (Turner 12).
B. While her work was ignored by art historians, Artemisia Gentileschi produced sufficient work for revisionists to name her the first significant woman in Western art.
C. Artemisia Gentileschi's art seemed to be systematically ignored by art historians, although her body of work had a significant impact on Western art.
D. Artemisia Gentileschi produced a body of work that revisionists say makes her the first woman to have had a significant impact on Western art, even though her work was ignored by art historians for many years (Turner 12).
10. When using keywords to search for sources, you may find more sources by brainstorming a list of
A. synonyms.
B. denotations.
C. paraphrases.
D. connotations.
11. Google's advanced search options allow you to
A. request only reliable sources.
B. search for an exact phrase.
C. limit the results to a specific number.
D. completely bypass irrelevant results.
12. As a way to keep track of the citation information of different sources she's discovered while researching her topic, Frances should use a/an
A. bibliographic information worksheet.
B. annotated bibliography.
C. citation reference guidebook.
D. keyword index.
13. When taking notes during research, if you copy an author's exact words, what should you do on the index card?
A. Paraphrase the information
B. Mark the information in quotation marks
C. Underline the information
D. Circle the information
20. While discussing the challenge of paraphrasing, Mark says that it's fine to use synonyms that don't necessarily reflect the source author's meaning or intent. Marcie argues that any words or phrases used when paraphrasing must preserve the source author's intention and meaning. Who is correct?
A. Only Mark is correct.
B. Both Marcie and Mark are correct.
C. Neither Marcie nor Mark is cor
D. Only Marcie is co