When thinking about society as a whole a felony can affect

1. Based on the article this week by Kennedy one of the components of the Strategic Management is that of problem solving your individual geographical locations problems. Coming from a small mid-west town my problems will probably be much different when entering a major metropolitan area. Examples given by Kennedy states such things as the move to foot patrolling in a mid-west town. In itself Flint Michigan found that increasing its community patrols cut down on crime while having the call centers receive less important calls because it had the community report then directly to foot patrol. This was successful in easing the department's response time while improving community approval ratings. When moving to a major metropolitan city many other issues can arise. If taking over the police force before 1989 in Tampa Florida you would have to access the increase in crime. You would have to be informed of such crack related crime to root it out as they did in 1989 to decrease crime properly. When taking over a major police department you have to look inward as well to see the different problems. If you were to take over the DC police department in 1990 the article describes the department ass having "rigid work rules and highly inefficient arrangements for booking and charging of arrestees". This came from the problem of that department having no analytical accountable for the department.

2. When thinking about society as a whole a felony can affect everything all things, even up to our highest positions in government. If a felony is say committed in a place of business, say a murder in a restaurant, the community might stock going there and the place might go out of business. If this continues to occur they area where they happen might be deemed to be violent and the community might abandon it as a whole. This would put pressure on the police chief to find the root of the problem and fix it or if if continues to occur might be replaced. If the police chief is replace they might deem this area uncontrollable and the nation guard might be called in. If the national guard can't control the crime then it could escalate to have the President of the United States to turn to martial law. One a more positive note with an increase of victims there can be the creation of such things as a victims rights movement. This can change the look of society to help those who are victims. This movement has helped the community in ways as creating shelters for victims to stay in as well as access to information as to the release date of the criminals that victimized.

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Dissertation: When thinking about society as a whole a felony can affect
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