When there is an excessive amount of page swapping

What is the primary advantage of storing programs in noncontiguous locations?
a. multiple programs can run at the same time

b. every program will be able to run

c. secondary storage is accessed more quickly

d. main memory is used more efficiently

2. What is the name of the page replacement policy where the page to remove is the one that has been in memory the longest.

a. TRU

b. LRU



3. Assume that four page frames are available and are numbered 1-4. Pages A-D have been loaded into page frames 1-4 in order. Assume that page E is requested. Which page frame will it be loaded into when the FIFO algorithm is used?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

4. Assume that four page frames are available and are numbered 1-4. Pages A-D have been loaded into page frames 1-4 in order. The program has accessed the pages in the following order: B, D, A, C. Assume that page E is requested. Which page frame will it be loaded into when the LRU algorithm is used?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

5. If a particular demand paging configuration has 9 page interrupts out of 11 page requests, what is the failure rate?

a. 18%

b. 52%

c. 82%

d. 95%

6. When using the clock replacement policy, a page with a reference bit of ____ is replaced.

a. -1

b. 0

c. 1

d. 5

7. In the PMT, the ____ bit for all pages in memory is 1.
a. status

b. referenced

c. modified

d. frame

8. Consider the following four cases. Which page would the LRU policy be lease likely to swap?

Modified Referenced Meaning
Case 1 0 0 Not modified AND not referenced
Case 2 0 1 Not modified BUT was referenced
Case 3 1 0 Was modified BUT not referenced
Case 4 1 1 Was modified AND was referenced

a. Case 1

b. Case 2

c. Case 3

d. Case 4

9. Which of the following phrases means that during any phase of its execution the program references only a small fraction of its pages?
a. dynamic paging

b. structured programming

c. locality of reference

d. working set

10. To access a location in memory when using segmented memory management, the address is composed of two entries: ____.

a. the segment number and the line number

b. the segment number and the displacement

c. the line number and the displacement

d. the segment number, the line number, and the displacement

11. The segmented/demand paged memory allocation scheme divides each segment into equally sized ____.

a. pages

b. blocks

c. frames

d. sets

12. How many entries per page are there in the PMT?
a. 0

b. 1

c. 2

d. 5

13. How many associative registers are there?

a. 2

b. 5

c. 10

d. varies by system

14. ____ gives users the appearance that their programs are being completely loaded in main memory during their entire processing time
a. Segmenting

b. Virtual memory

c. Shared memory

d. Multithreading

15. What is an advantage of virtual memory management?

a. job's size is no longer restricted to the size of main memory

b. allows an unlimited amount of multiprogramming

c. facilitates dynamic linking of program segments

d. All of the above

16. ____ can be thought of as being an intermediary between main memory and the special-purpose registers, which are the domain of the CPU.
a. Virtual memory

b. Cache memory

c. Paging

d. Segmenting

17. What is the cache hit ratio if the total number of requests is 10 and 6 of those are found in cache memory?

a. 6%

b. 10%

c. 60%

d. 100%
18. What algorithm does Linux use for demand paging?
a. buddy

b. LRU


d. segmenting

19. If the page size is 100 lines, what is the displacement for line 214?
a. 0.5

b. 2

c. 14

d. 21400
20. Assume that the Page Map Table below is in effect. The number of lines per page is 400. What is the actual memory location for line 433?

Job Page Number Page Frame Number
0 8
1 10
2 5
3 11
a. 1

b. 33

c. 4000

d. 4033

21. What will happen when a page size is too small?
a. very long PMTs

b. excessive internal fragmentation

c. more difficult to calculate actual position

d. excessive external fragmentation

22. What field(s) must be added to the PMT to support demand paging?

a. field to determine if page contents have been modified

b. field to determine if the page being requested is already in memory

c. field to determine if the page has been referenced recently

d. All of the above
23. What happens in demand paging when a job requires a certain page to be loaded and there is no empty page frame?

a. a resident page must be swapped back into secondary storage

b. the page cannot be loaded and the job will exit

c. the job must wait until a page frame is freed by another job

d. the page will share a page frame with another page from the same job

24. Consider the following page fault handler algorithm. What should replace the * in the algorithm?

1 If there is no free page frame
select page to be swapped out using page removal algorithm
update job's Page Map Table
If content of page had been changed then
End if
End if
2 Use page number from step 3 from the Hardware Instruction Processing Algorithm to get disk address where the requested page is stored 
3 Read page into memory
4 Update job's Page Map Table
5 Update Memory Map Table
6 Restart interrupted instruction

a. save page to main memory

b. write page to disk

c. mark page as being changed in PMT

d. choose another page

25. When there is an excessive amount of page swapping between main memory and secondary storage, the operation becomes inefficient. This phenomenon is called ____.

a. excessive demand paging

b. hot swapping

c. thrashing

d. overswapping

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Basic Computer Science: When there is an excessive amount of page swapping
Reference No:- TGS0120082

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