Kagan: Arash Abizadeh
A. Ethics :
B. Normative Factors
C. Structure of Theories of the Good
1. Means: Instrumental Value
a. the means itself
b. the constitutive parts
2. Ends: Non-instrumental Value
a. Unconditional Final End (ultimate, intrinsic value)
b. Conditional End (extrinsic value)
i. constitutive ends
ii. other
D. Welfarist Theories of the Good: Well-being or welfare (of human beings)
1. Mental State Theory Welfarism
-e.g. Welfare Hedonism
i. Quantitative:
ii. Qualitative
2. Preference-satisfaction Welfarism
3. Objective-List Welfarism
E. Beyond Well-being: Other Goods
1. Equality
2. Impersonal goods:
Ethics Lecture 2
A. Theories of the Right: Evaluating an Action
-morally required, permitted, or forbidden
B. Consequentialism:
C. Deontology
1. Constraint: e.g. against doing harm
-Normative Factor: constraint against doing harm
2. Thresholds: Absolute vs Moderate Constraint
D. Dirty Hands: Moral Dilemmas?
1. Consequentialism:
2. Deontology: for the deontologist:
-two possibilities:
1. When the threshold is met, the constraint is no longer operative
2. When the threshold is met, the constraint is still operative and the actor faces a moral dilemma.