
When the concentration of sugar is doubled


Cell Metabolism


When the concentration of sugar is doubled, assuming there is enough yeast, what happens to the time it takes for the solution to change from blue to yellow? â?¨

  • 1. halved
  • 2. stays the same
  • 3. doubles
  • 4. triples

Question 2

A test tube is setup with some yeast, sugar solution and indicator in it. The color starts at blue and begins to change to a greenish hue. At this point some vinegar, a weak acid, is dropped in the test tube. How would this affect the color of the solution? â?¨

  • 1.The color will turn sharply to yellow â?¨
  • 2.The color will stay at green and not turn yellow â?¨
  • 3.The color will reverse back to blue â?¨
  • 4.The solution becomes white with the addition of the vinegar

Question 3

The range of color change for bromthymol blue is from pH 6.0 to 7.6. By what multiple does the hydrogen (hydronium) ion concentration change over this range? â?¨

  • 1. 40
  • 2. 1.6
  • 3. 0.25
  • 4. 0.025

Question 4

A yeast cell can reproduce itself in 20 minutes. As the yeast metabolizes sugar, it will reproduce by budding, and the amount of yeast will increase. If the yeast is growing normally at the beginning of an experiment, what is the percent increase in the amount of yeast during the typical ten-minute duration of an experiment? â?¨

  • 1. 40%
  • 2.100%
  • 3.20%
  • 4.200%

Question 5

Which of the following would be the best method to slow the change of color from blue to yellow in the test tube? â?¨

  • 1. Use less indicator in the test tube â?¨
  • 2. Lower the concentration of sugar in the test tube
  • 3.Raise the amount of yeast in the test tube

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Biology: When the concentration of sugar is doubled
Reference No:- TGS01909070

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