
When should an organization be a pay leader

Discuss the following:

When should an organization be a pay leader, and when should it be a pay follower?

Why would nurses in one state be paid more than nurses in another state for doing the same job?

What do you think is the maximum appropriate difference between the CEO and the organiza¬tion's lowest paid employee? Why?

Would you work for below-market wages? Why or why not? Is there any time when you would consider accepting below-market pay?

0 If you were experiencing wage compression and found yourself being paid less than new hires, what would you do? Do you think that executives should receive golden parachutes when they leave a company? Why or why not?

What would better motivate you a collaborative work culture or a lucrative pay for performance system? What would be your ideal pay mix? What behaviors or outcomes do you think incentive plans best motivate?

What behaviors or outcomes do you think incentive plans are the weakest at motivating? What incentives would you recommend to motivate a product development team responsible for creating new toys?

Should executives be rewarded differently from regular employees? Why or why not? ® What incentive plans do you think would be most effective at motivating attendance?

What incentive plans do you think would be most effective at motivating customer service?

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HR Management: When should an organization be a pay leader
Reference No:- TGS01796350

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