When should an employee handbook be updated and why

Discussion Post: Legal Reasoning and Employee Handbooks

Part A: Apply the IRAC Formula to Sowards v. Norbar, Inc., 1992. Prepare and post a brief review of the issue, rule, analysis, and conclusion.

Part B: Based on your understanding of Sowards v. Norbar, Inc., which depicts privacy and employee handbook issues, answer the following questions:

a) How might an effective employee handbook reduce litigation costs within an organization?

b) How important for the HRM professional is understanding the mission and function of an organization? Why?

c) When should an employee handbook be updated? Why?

d) Who should be involved in the creation of the handbook? What should be considered?

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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HR Management: When should an employee handbook be updated and why
Reference No:- TGS03066195

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