1. When OSHA was enacted in 1970, it was heralded as the most important new source of protection for the American worker. From your experience or someone you know, do you believe OSHA has been effective or ineffective (as a whole)? Give an example (you, your workplace, or someone you know) where an OSHA law or inspection has made a difference in workplace safety.
2. Ergonomics as it relates to the safety, physical health, and the mental well being of the employees has become a large concern of management. Go to the Internet site, https://www.osha.gov/ or https://www.cdc.gov/niosh and click on links until you find information about this subject. There will be many articles in regard to ergonomics. Choose one area, such as back and neck injuries or musculoskeletal disorders or whatever area you might be interested in pursuing. Research one particular company who had an investigation in regard to the area you have chosen. What was the result of this investigation?
3. Do a search on the Internet in regard to stress and/or violence in the workplace. Read some of the articles posted. Then write a short (one-page) summary of your findings in this matter - statistics, example or two, solutions, etc.