
When newsom purchased celia what was he looking for how did

Using Celia, A Slave, you will need to write an essay of at least 750 words answering the following questions using specific evidence from the book to support your answers fully.

1) When Newsom purchased Celia, what was he looking for? How did she differ from the other slaves he possessed?

2) Was the relationship that Newsom had with Celia unusual for that period? If this relationship had been discovered, who would have been seen by larger society as the victim and why?

3) Why does it appear that Celia allowed for this relationship to continue?

4) Why did Celia murder Newsom? Was she remorseful over his death?

5) Was Celia's trial just about Newsom's murder? If not, how did it reflect larger concerns of the period?

6) How did Jameson frame Celia's defense during the trial? Did it seem as if there was any way that she could escape punishment? Do you believe that this was a fair trial?

7) Throughout the book, there are a number of places where there are no historical records to fill in the gaps. Where would you have liked to have seen more concrete evidence? What questions remain unanswered after finishing this book?

In order to receive full credit, you must fulfill the following criteria.

· This essay must be at least 750 words (or very close to.) For every 50 words that you are missing, there will be a penalty of 10-points taken off of your grade

· It is YOUR responsibility to give me a signed word count. Failure to give a word count is a 10-point penalty off of your final essay grade.

· Falsifying your word count will earn the paper an automatic grade of a 0

· Essays need to be typed in 12-point font and double-spaced. I will not accept handwritten papers. Failure to double-space the paper will result in a 10-point deduction

· Papers must be turned into me during class. If you know you will be unable to attend class on a day an essay is due, it is your responsibility to turn the assignment in early or incur a 10-point penalty for each class period the essay is late.

· Late Work Policy: I will only accept papers that are turned in a maximum of 3 days after the due date. After that, I will not accept your work and you will receive a 0 on the assignment.

All of the information for the essays can be found in Celia, A Slave so the use of outside sources is not necessary. If you want to use outside sources, you must tell me which sources you are getting your information from and provide citations and a bibliography. Failure to do so will be considered cheating.

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Dissertation: When newsom purchased celia what was he looking for how did
Reference No:- TGS02712314

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