Parrish and Chlarson worked for J&K Computer Systems, Inc. Parrish was a computer programmer, and Chlarson was a trainee. In his capacity as programmer, Parrish wrote an accounts receivable program.
Customers of J&K were granted licenses to use the program. A label on the program noted that it was J&K's property and that it could not be used without authorization under a li censing agreement. Parrish, Chlarson , and all other J&K employees were informed that the program was a secret.
Nevertheless, Parrish copied it, left J&K's employ, and, along with Chlarson , opened a business similar to J&K. Parrish and Chlarson then sold the copied program to various customers.
When J&K sued, Parrish and Chla r son argued that the fact that J&K had revealed the program to their customers meant it was no longer a trade secret. Were Parrish and Chlarson correct?