Assignment task: Advanced IV Therapy
Venous Access Techniques Worksheet
Q1. What are the functions of the skin?
Q2. What significance do the sensory receptors have to IV infusion (consider where nerves are located)?
Q3. What particular care is needed during IV therapeutics in order to prevent injury to the Tunica intima?
Q4. Describe the location of the cephalic and basilic vein.
Q5. Why is it important to use a quick and accurate motion when inserting an IV catheter?
Q6. When is the median basilic vein best utilized for IV insertion?
Q7. Describe how you will choose the appropriate cannula size utilized for IV insertion.
Q8. Describe how you will choose the appropriate site for cannulation.
Q9. Describe appropriate ways to achieve vein distention.
Q10. What is the appropriate way to remove hair from the patient's arm?
Q11. What number of unsuccessful attempts at IV insertion, by one nurse, is appropriate?
Q12. Is it acceptable to use the same IV cannula used in an unsuccessful attempt, for a second attempt at IV insertion?
Q13. How often does IV administration tubing need to be changed for a continuous or intermittent IV?
Q14. How often do unused saline locks need to be flushed?
Q15. What amount of saline is necessary to flush a saline lock?
Q16. When and why is the push-pause method used for flushing?
Q17. What cultural or ethnic considerations must be used with infusion therapy?
Q18. What is the difference between direct and indirect IV insertion?
Q19. List five special considerations for the older adult with fragile veins.
Q20. List five special considerations for the pediatric population in IV therapy.