Write a paragraph on what your thoughts on for this.
When I think of leaders in my company versus the managers in my company there are quite a few differences. I think the obvious ones are the leaders in my organization have a lot of people, including managers, under them on the proverbial ladder. Managers in my organization watch over the daily tasks of their team, ensuring that production and quality are being met and our customer’s needs are being handled first and foremost. Our Senior Leadership Group, SLG, on the other hand care more about the overall picture of each department and for the company as a whole, they aren’t worried or even really care about individual performance on an associate level. The SLG is focused on creating more products for our customers, updating/changing our existing products so they are more beneficial for customer and more profitable for our company, how to better serve our existing customers so they can reach their goals, and many more factors. Leaders within the company are there to be mentors and help you set and strive to obtain your goals. Managers want the same for you as well but I think leaders have more connections, time and resources to assist you in getting to that next step in your career.