1.Oil with a kinematic viscosity of 0.185 St is flowing through a 150-mm diameter pipe. Below what velocity will the flow be laminar?
2.Stream with a specific weight of 38 N/m^3 is flowing with a velocity of 35 m/s through a circular pipe with f=0.0154. What is the shear stress at the pipe wall?
3.Oil (s=0.92) of viscosity 0.00038 m^2/s flows in a 100-mm-diameter pipe at a rate of 0.64 L/s. Find the head loss per unit length.
4.When fluid of specific weight 8.2 KN/m^3 flows in a 150-mm-diameter pipe, the frictional stress between the fluid and the pipe wall is 25 N/m^2. Calculate the friction head loss per meter of pipe. If the flow rate is 42 L/s, how much power is lose per meter of pipe?