
When everything is checked and running perfectly

Design and implement a class called Dog that contains instance data that represents the dog's name and age and breed.
? Define the Dog constructor to accept and initialize instance data. 
? Use appropriate visibility modifiers on instance variables and methods.
? Include getter and setter methods for the name, breed and age.
? Include a dogYears method to compute and return the age of the dog in "human years" (seven times the dog's age). What will happen if the age of the dog is changed?
? Include a toString method that returns a one-line description of the dog (name, breed, age, age in human years). 
? Create a driver class called Kennel, whose main method instantiates five Dog objects and prints out who is in the kennel (all of the dog objects). 
? Use the getter and setter methods to modify the name, breed or age of 3 dogs.
? Print the Kennel again. This is not an interactive program. Do not prompt the user

Remember to include the comment block required at the beginning of all Java programs. For the Dog class, it should resemble

* Author:
* Filename: Dog.java
* Class:
* Lab:
* Date:
* Purpose: To create and use a basic Dog class

When everything is checked and running perfectly, copy the output from the Console into a comment block after the end of your Kennel.java file. Click on the program window to activate it and select Print from the File menu. Note: this printout includes your output.

Create a UML diagram for your program:
Use Word, Visio, PowerPoint; print out on a separate sheet of paper

Turn in, in this order, printouts for:
the java file with output copied and pasted at the bottom from the Kennel class
the java file for the Dog class
UML diagram
Be sure that all programs have a neatly formatted comment block at the beginning of the file; make sure there is no word wrap!

Create a folder named LastnameFirstinitial.Lab3. Add your .java files to this folder. Compress the folder this way: right-click the folder and 'Send to Compressed (zipped) Folder.' Upload your zipped folder to the Assignment Delivery link on Blackboard. 

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Basic Computer Science: When everything is checked and running perfectly
Reference No:- TGS089144

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