
When evaluating and selecting alternatives how can a

1. The rational model of decision making calls for which one of the following?

a. Identification of the problem which may be underlying symptoms

b. Alternative chosen should have no impact on employees and customers

c. Gathering of organizational facts whether relevant or not

d. Subjective evaluation of alternatives before choosing one

2. Which of the following is not a decision making trap?

a. Treating every decision like a crisis

b. Overlooking precedent

c. Not promising enough

d. Assuming only one choice is correct

3. You've been taught that being successful as a supervisor does not mean you do not have problems. Which of the below is a source of problems for a supervisor?

a. Desire to achieve higher quality

b. New challenges from the environment in which the department operates

c. Imperfections of human beings

d. All of the above

4. A supervisor is more likely to give careful thought to a decision if it is:

a. Related to overhead, cost containment and labor hours

b. Non - controversial in nature compared to other decisions usually made

c. More complex in appearance than the usual decisions that are made

d. When they are ready to go on vacation and someone else will be in charge

5. A decision is a choice from among available alternatives. Which of the following is not relevant to the decision making process?

a. Solving problems involves making one major and significant decision

b. Deciding that something is wrong in the first place

c. Deciding how to solve what is wrong

d. Successful problem solving depends on good decision making skills

6. When evaluating and selecting alternatives, how can a supervisor decide which is the best decision?

a. Cost of the alternative should be reasonable in light of the benefits it will deliver

b. An acceptable alternative must be feasible

c. Alternative chosen should actually solve the problem

d. All of the above

7. Which of the terms below describes a method of supervisory decision making that relates to human compromises?

a. Subjective Rationality

b. Rationalization

c. Personal Perspective

d. All of the above

8. The process of bounded rationality is an important one to understand when you are in the supervisor role. Which of the terms below does not relate to this concept?

a. Choosing an alternative that meets minimum standards of acceptability

b. Utilized when time, cost or other limitations make finding the best alternative impossible

c. Decision maker considers alternatives only until the deadline for the decision to be made

d. Decision maker places limits on the rational model of decision making

9. Which of the following terms does not refer to recency syndrome?

a. Decision makers need to consider alternatives as fully as is reasonable

b. Tendency to remember more easily those events that have occurred recently

c. Decision makers are drawn to using events that were historically significant

d. An event should not carry more weight simply because it is more recent

10. A supervisor will use the Probability Theory under what circumstances?

a. When the action that will have the greatest benefit or least cost is needed

b. When the supervisor can completely control the outcome

c. When they are unable to estimate the value of each probable outcome

d. When they are not interested in comparing the consequences of possible decisions

11. Which of the following terms is not applicable to the group decision making process?

a. Groupthink

b. Brainstorming

c. Incentive

d. Brain Bank

12. When a supervisor is called upon to make complex decisions that are difficult to solve cognitively, tools and techniques for analyzing alternatives are needed. Which of the following would be used by a supervisor?

a. Possibility Theory

b. Decision Trees

c. Computer Hardware

d. All of the above

13. The creativity of supervisors and their employees is often blocked due to a fear ideas will fail. What can a supervisor do to overcome this barrier?

a. Accept that human failures will occur

b. Keep in mind that a lack of creativity will probably prevent big successes as well as big failures

c. Attempt to overcome their own fear of failure

d. All of the above

14. When communicating in the workplace, what factors do you consider when deciding whether to use the phone, email or face - to - face?

a. Time and cost limits

b. Complexity and sensitivity of the issue

c. Need for a record that the communication took place

d. All of the above

15. Which of the following is not a formally recognized direction of communication found in an organization?

a. Upward

b. Grapevine

c. Lateral

d. Downward

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HR Management: When evaluating and selecting alternatives how can a
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