
When driving a long distance is it necessary to have a

Let's face it, these days we're living in a digital world - road maps, road directions, and property maps are all available with a few clicks of a mouse in digital form. With everything available digitally (and more portable and accessible with wireless Internet access via laptops and phones), is there a need for printed maps? Do you really need to carry around a paper map version of the road network in Los Angeles, or will a mapping app on your smartphone suffice to find where your location is and get you where you want to go? In the same vein, are paper collections at universities or libraries relics of the past or still useful resources? When would having access to such a collection be necessary?


When driving a long distance is it necessary to have a printed map of the area you're traveling through when you're got GPS, satellite maps, and Internet mapping capabilities? If yes, what's a situation in which it would be necessary, and if no, why are printed maps still available?

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