
When do you feel that market mechanisms stand to benefit

Discussion Statement

In two pages write this discussion statement with APA style

Read Mother Jones' reporter Shane Bauer's recent exposé of private prisons in America. (This article is long and very interesting; for the sake of your time management, I suggest you skim it. If it interests you, bookmark it and come back to it later.) Also read this Washington Post article about the Justice Department's plan to end its use of private prisons to house federal inmates. Clearly, privatization and leaving public responsibilities to market forces do not always result in ethically sound outcomes that best serve the public. When do you feel that market mechanisms stand to benefit government? When do they not? In your opinion, how should market mechanisms such as privatization, vouchers, outsourcing, and public entrepreneurship be integrated into public service leadership?



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Dissertation: When do you feel that market mechanisms stand to benefit
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