
When do you expect to complete the dialogue

Ungraded Discussion: Immersion Project Proposal

You will complete a personal dialogue with an individual in your selected population/group for your Immersion Project. Review this week's Assignment area for more details. Please prepare for your personal dialogue by submitting a dialogue proposal to your Instructor this week in the ungraded Discussion area. The proposal should answer three questions:

1.How do you plan on conducting the dialogue, over multiple sessions or in a one-time sitting?

2.When do you expect to complete the dialogue?

3.How does the person you intend to have the dialogue with fit the characteristics of the population you are studying?

Although your dialogue proposal is not graded, you do need Instructor approval for your proposal before you commence the dialogue session(s) with the selected individual.

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Other Subject: When do you expect to complete the dialogue
Reference No:- TGS01976612

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