
When coworkers work closely on a team project is there such

When coworkers work closely on a team project, is there such a thing as TMI (too-much information)?6 At one company, a team that had just finished a major project went out to lunch to celebrate. During lunch, one colleague mentioned that he was training for a 20-mile bike race. In addition to a discussion of his new helmet and Lycra shorts, the person also described shaving his whole body to reduce aerodynamic drag. Afterwards, another team member said, uWhy, why, why do we need to go there? This is information about a coworker, not someone I really consider a friend, and now ifs forever; burned in my brain.' Think About:

What do you think? Why are work colleagues sharing increasingly j personal information?

What benefits/drawbacks arise from sharing information like this?

How have social media and technology contributed to this type of information disclosure?

What are the ethical implications of sharing such personal information in the workplace?

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Operation Management: When coworkers work closely on a team project is there such
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