
When confronted with a need to change organisations often

Change Management Models

When confronted with a need to change, organisations often react without considering the nature, direction, and potential impact of change. Employing a coherent model for change management can help avoid much confusion, misdirected effort, and unforeseen consequences. In this unit's Learning Resources, you will explore four models for managing change:

1. The ADKAR model: A goal-oriented change management model that focuses on specific business results

2. Kotter's eight-step change model: One of the best known and most-used change models; follows eight clear steps to lead change

3. Lewin's change model: Considered the 'mother' of all change models; proposes that organisations go through three steps: unfreezing, changing and refreezing

4. McKinsey's 7S change model: Focuses on seven interrelated elements that are essential to an organisation implementing change

In this Shared Activity, you will share and discuss models for change management.

To prepare for this Assignment:

1. Focus on the various change management models, their strengths and limitations, and how they can be used in an organisation.

2. Select two change management models to explore in depth.

3. Search the Internet to find additional information the models of change you selected, or focus on one model from your resources and identify an additional change management model and research it in more depth.


1. Post an evaluation of the strengths and limitations of the two change management models you selected. Support your arguments with appropriate citations from the literature.

Note : Be sure to include references to all sources, , in Harvard Referencing Style.

References between 3 - 6

between 400 - 600 words.

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Business Management: When confronted with a need to change organisations often
Reference No:- TGS01560137

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