Standard Normal Distribution
For this discussion, identify the appropriate application of standardized scores to reflect on their benefits and to interpret how test scores and measures are commonly presented.
Review Chapter 3 of your course text, which introduces probability and the standard normal distribution. Examine the assumptions and limitations presented in these topics and then consider and discuss the following questions:
When comparing data from different distributions, what is the benefit of transforming data from these distributions to conform to the standard distribution?
What role do z-scores play in this transformation of data from multiple distributions to the standard normal distribution?
What is the relationship between z-scores and percentages?
In your opinion, does one do a better job of representing the proportion of the area under the standard curve? Give an example that illustrates your answer.
Guided Response: Review your classmates' posts. Respond substantively to at least three peers. What did you find useful about their explanations and examples?
What suggestions would you make for improvement? Ask a question for further clarification as to the meaning and use of the z-scores.