
When and where did the event in the article take place


Economic Systems, Economic Systems and Daily Life, Competition and Free Enterprise, The Law of Supply and Demand, Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy: The Federal Reserve

Check reputable news sources such as the Associated Press, BBC, Reuters, NPR, or The New York Times. Read through your chosen article carefully and look up any terms or references that you don't understand. Highlight or make note of important details or connections to either the unit you are currently in or the one before it in the class.

A. What is the main idea of the article?
B. Who is the article about? An individual, a group of people, an organization or something else?
C. When & where did the event in the article take place?
D. How does the article relate to what you learned in this unit?
E. What is your opinion on the topic?

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Reference No:- TGS03329569

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