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Refer to Descartes', Meditations on First Philosophy, when addressing all three parts of the question below.
(1) Why doesn't Descartes simply determine what's real by looking around him and use his sense experience? (2) In Meditation II, Descartes states, "I am; I exist - this is certain." Explain why Descartes claims that his knowledge here about this cannot be doubted? (3) What is the nature of the "I" for Descartes and why doesn't it refer to the physical body of Descartes?
(2) In Meditation II, Descartes states, "I am; I exist - this is certain." Explain why Descartes claims that his knowledge here about this cannot be doubted?
(3) What is the nature of the "I" for Descartes and why doesn't it refer to the physical body of Descartes?