
When a user enters 101 for a temperature the program states

When a user enters 101 for a temperature the program states the patient has expired which is not the correct response. How do I correct the problem.


sub bodytemp
print"Please Enter Patients Temperature between 85.0 to 105.0: ";
$btemp = ;

if($btemp < 70.0 || $btemp > 105.0){
print "Invalid Temperature!\n";

if($btemp >= 102.0 && $btemp < 106.0){
print "Give Tylenol 2 tablets 325 mg each or suppository every 4 hours.\n";
elsif ($btemp > 101.0 && $btemp < 101.9){
print "Give Tylenol 2 tablets 325 mg each or suppository every 4 hours as needed for temperature.\n";
elsif ($btemp > 95.0 && $btemp < 100.9){
print "Patient temperature is within normal limits and no corrective action is needed at this time.\n";
elsif ($btemp > 85.0 && $btemp < 94.9){
print "Patient is hypothermic and must be warmed up slowly.\n";
print "Patient has expired.\n";

sub resprate
print"Enter Patient Respiratory Rate Based on a 1 Minute Count: ";
$resp = ;

if($resp < 0 || $resp > 50){
print"Invalid Respiratory Rate!\n";

if($resp > 40 && $resp < 51){

elsif($resp > 12 && $resp < 39){
print"Respiratory Rate is Normal.\n";
print"Start Respiratory Rescue!\n";

sub patientweight
print"Enter Patient Weight in Pounds: ";
$wt = ;

if($wt < 0 || $wt > 400){
print"Invalid Weight!\n";

$pwt = $wt/2.2;

printf"Patient Weight in kg: %8.2f\n", $pwt;


print "Ready to quit (yes or no)? ";
chomp($answer = );
if ("$answer" eq "yes") {last;}
redo VITAL;



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Programming Languages: When a user enters 101 for a temperature the program states
Reference No:- TGS01244755

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