Whay groups or individuals have interest in the legislation

Assignment Task:

Below I have written what I would amend in MHPAEA, so my question relates to this.  This assignment has kind of stumped me and I hope I provided good explanation so that I can get some help.

The MHPAEA, even though it requires equal coverage for mental health care and other medical services which, is a move in the right direction, however, there is still a lack of diversity in its implementation. The act does not guarantee that persons of different ethnicities have equal access to mental health services. The legislation is only necessary for health insurance providers to provide equal coverage for mental health care. It is not necessary that these services be available to anybody and everyone. The lack of diversity might result in minority communities having restricted or no access. regardless of age, gender, and race, the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act should incorporate a more encompassing strategy that provides mental health treatments for all. It should be mandated that providers offer selections of plans and providers that are more diverse and fairer to their customers. In addition, it should be amended that service providers deliver mental health care in a manner that is culturally competent and sensitive to every patient in a respectful manner.

MHPAE should be amended so that insurance companies adhere to the same standards and accountability for mental health care as other types of medical services. Insurance providers should also be transparent regarding their policies and how they are applied to guarantee that all services are delivered legally and ethically. Another change that could be made is offering an incentive to insurance providers to provide mental health services, for example, possibly providing them with a tax. This way, they might offer higher coverage amounts with lower out of pocket. MHPAE has the potential to expand access to mental health care, and with a few modifications, it could ensure that everyone can receive quality services equally and affordably.

What other groups, organizations, or individuals have an interest in the legislation? Do they support the legislation or oppose it? Why? For example, are there lobbyists, legislative groups, governors, celebrities, or other organizations that are strongly for or against the legislation? Why do they support or oppose it? Provide evidence to support your answer.

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Other Subject: Whay groups or individuals have interest in the legislation
Reference No:- TGS03362757

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